It's currently available in French-to-English, Spanish-to-English, and vice versa for both.
For example, this is a paragraph in Spanish in the University of Chicago Spanish Dictionary.

Word Lens uses the iPhone's camera to detect text and translate it in real time.

This text is translated in real time as...

You can stop the real time algorithm and it will give you a "final draft" of the translation

If you click on a translated word, such as "LENGUA"...

It will give you a screen with alternative meanings of the translated word, and other words the original word might have been, in cases where the algorithm fails to properly read a word...

Pretty cool, huh?

It's made by Word Visual. It's sold as a travel aid, but could be used for so much more.
**For Linguists and/or Programmers**
Word Lens ostensibly uses only very limited top-down processing, if at all. Both its word recognition and translation capabilities could greatly improve the accuracy of the translation if top-down information were used. For example, top-down processing would have selected "language" instead of "tongue" as the translation for "lengua" (see pics above).
So... Does anyone want to make a better, rival app and try and sell it?
Comments and Emails welcome.
daylen (dot) riggs (at)
The iPhone is a multimedia enabled smart phone designed, manufactured and marketed by Apple Inc. The first of its kind was introduced in early 2007 and since then it has gained great popularity among its users. Coque iphone 4