I am utterly amazed by the level of thought that goes into our current political discourse... not because of anything amazing or discursive, but because it seems to come from apes that don't have long term memory...
Donald Trump, a mutant Bush Brother, a foreigner (Ted Cruz), Hillary Clinton and a *socialist* are the main candidates for president? My God! Wake up people!
So let's be auspicious and make coarse binary assumptions about the world... On the one hand, you have American Conservatism, represented by the past, present, and future Republican candidates... And on the other, American Liberalism...
So let's take a look at the history of our adult lives (assuming you are under the age of 50)...
George W. Bush - a conservative/Republican - came in to power because some idiots in Florida voted for Ralph Nader... he did some shit (9/11 was a total accident... yeah right)... he did some more shit, and left the country in the Great Recession.
Barack Hussein Osama - or as the media like to call him, "Barack Obama" - a liberal/Democrat - took over and now we're in an economic boom.
And yet people are still considering the conservative/Republican perspective? People are throwing their support behind Donald Trump??
There are only three possible hypotheses that explain the phenomena described above...
1) We Humans are utterly stupid.
2) We Humans have been made stupid; we've been repressed of our greater intellectual capacity - accidentally or purposefully - by a force that requires we be stupid.
2a) The force that requires we be stupid are the economic elite.
3) I live in an utter dream world, and Donald Trump is logical.
Much of *my discourse* above is tongue-in-cheek - but all of its message is genuine.
I am very stupid, however I think that (2a) is the root of it all...
And therefore I am voting for Bernie Sanders for President.